Intelligent connected cars reshape the automotive industry chain
讲座名称:Intelligent connected cars reshape the automotive industry chain
黄少堂(TED S HUANG),上海龙创汽车设计股份有限公司首席技术官和智能网联研究院院长,主要从事汽车电子电器开发,对整车电子、电器开发、汽车电子软硬件、车云一体方案开发的标准、流程、技术和方法有深刻的了解,研发并量产了国内首例车载终端与服务后台连接而实现车辆的远程控制;创建和发展了广汽研究院的网联中心,为传祺、埃安品牌建立与开发贡献卓越力量;建立和发展了江铃智能网联研究院及星支点研究院,实现了江铃福特汽车品牌电子架构和核心零部件自主研发。
The automotive industry is undergoing profound changes, new products and new technologies continue to emerge, the field of artificial intelligence is developing rapidly, intelligent, network connection as the future of the automobile, is the basis of intelligent transportation and smart city, and plays a non-negligible role in the development of the intelligent field. This lecture will analyze from the perspective of the development of intelligent connected vehicles, including technology trends, policy support, capital market dynamics, supply chain management, and internal organizational structure and capacity building of enterprises, and explain the inevitability of reshaping the industrial chain of intelligent connected vehicles, as well as the opportunities and challenges we need to face in this change.