Discourse Studies: Origins, developments, applications
讲座名称:Discourse Studies: Origins, developments, applications
讲座人:Veronika Koller 教授
Veronika Koller是英国兰卡斯特大学话语研究方向教授,在政治话语、商业和健康话语以及语言和性别方面研究成果丰硕。隐喻是她的研究的重点方向。她发表SSCI期刊论文100余篇,出版专著多部。Veronika是Metaphor and Symbol期刊的副主编,担任Discourse and Society 和Critical Discourse Studies期刊编委,担任剑桥大学出版社批评话语研究系列丛书的编辑。
In this talk, I will first distinguish between discourse studies and critical discourse studies (CDS) and then trace the origins of both these frameworks for analysing language use in context. Focusing on CDS, I will outline its principles and define what is meant by criticism. I will further review some of the major schools within CDS, notably the dialectal, socio-cognitive and discourse-historical approaches, before presenting a research paradigm that combines discourse analysis and research in social cognition. The talk will close with an application of (critical) discourse studies to an example of corporate discourse.