Voices of Supporters: Social media discourses around the European elections
讲座名称:Voices of Supporters: Social media discourses around the European elections
讲座人:Veronika Kolloer 教授
Veronika Koller是英国兰卡斯特大学话语研究方向教授,在政治话语、商业和健康话语以及语言和性别方面研究成果丰硕。隐喻是她的研究的重点方向。她发表SSCI期刊论文100余篇,出版专著多部。Veronika是Metaphor and Symbol期刊的副主编,担任Discourse and Society 和Critical Discourse Studies期刊编委,担任剑桥大学出版社批评话语研究系列丛书的编辑。
Taking the 2019 and 2024 European elections as case studies, I will outline how supporters in different countries construct identities and voting motivations on social media. The study comprises a range of methods to investigate data from different social media platforms, defining populism as a political strategy and/or practice, realised in discourse, that is based on a dichotomy between “the people”, who are unified by their will, and an out-group whose actions are not in the interest of the people, with a leader safeguarding the interests of the people against the out-group. The talk identifies what motivates people to vote for populist parties, what role national identities and values play in those motivations, and how the social media postings of populist parties are recontextualised in supporters’ comments to serve as a voting motivation. A particular focus will be on how supporters express or seek to evoke emotions in and through discourse. The talk will be rounded off by discussing what vistas research into European political discourse opens for combining discourse analysis and area studies.