讲座人:Jamal Deen 教授等
报告题目:Compact Modeling of Organic/Polymeric Thin Film Transistors For Flexible Electronics
讲座人:Jamal Deen,中科院外籍院士,麦克马斯特大学杰出教授。于1985年获得美国凯斯西储大学博士学位。2007年当选加拿大工程院士,2014年当选欧洲科学与艺术院院士,同年当选为加拿大皇家学会科学院院长。他在微纳电子学、光电子学研究以及医疗电子学和环境科学中的应用方面具有杰出贡献,在重要国际学术刊物及会议发表论文580余篇。
报告摘要:In this presentation, we will discuss recent compact models and illustrate the merits and limitations of several of them as part of the electronic design automation platform. In this presentation, we will discuss our progress in developing industry-viable static and dynamic compact models for flexible transistors with predictable performance and the associated parameter extraction schemes including evolutionary computation for parameter extraction. Finally, we will present several on-going modeling challenges including illumination, hysteresis and contacts effects, as well as models that can predict stability, reliability, and lifetime.
报告题目:Dynamic Thermal Management and Adaptive Modeling for 3D AI Chips
讲座人:David Atienza Alonso,瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院电气和计算机工程教授、嵌入式系统实验室(ESL)负责人和生态云可持续计算中心科学主任。他分别于2001年和2005年在西班牙UCM和比利时IMEC获得计算机科学与工程硕士和博士学位。他的研究兴趣包括高性能多处理器片上系统(MPSoC)和低功耗物联网(IoT)系统的系统级设计方法,用于无线身体传感器节点和智能嵌入式系统的超低功耗边缘人工智能架构、硬件/软件可重构系统、动态内存优化和片上网络设计。
报告摘要:In this talk, Prof. Atienza will review the basis of the recent innovative thermal modeling and prototyping approaches for non-uniform thermal characterization included in the open-source 3D Interlayer Cooling Emulator (3D-ICE). Then, in conjunction with a fast offline application profiling strategy utilizing gem5-X, the latest open-source architecture simulator for 2D/3D MPSoCs designs targeting AI chips, it will be shown how it is possible to develop a complete DTM evaluation framework that can be used to create Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) control schemes for different 3D MPSoCs and AI accelerators. Finally, it will be illustrated how this DTM framework based on MARL control can support advanced liquid cooling and electricity-generation technologies using microfluidic power cells for the next generation of energy-efficient 2D and 3D AI accelerators.
报告题目:Power-Aware LSI Testing: Present and Future
报告摘要:With low power consumption becoming a key requirement for advanced LSI designs, the gap between functional power and test power has kept growing to such an extent that power-aware testing has now become a must. The foundation of power-aware testing is a complete understanding of the global impact of switching activity on peak and average power as well as the local impact of switching activity on IR-drop-induced delay increase along data and clock paths. This talk presents a holistic view on various aspects of power-aware testing, aimed at helping researchers and engineers to develop more sophisticated and complete solutions for controlling LSI test power.
报告题目:The Hidden Interconnect (or Communication) Challenges
讲座人:John Kim,韩国大田KAIST(韩国高等科学与技术研究所)电气工程学院教授。他获得了斯坦福大学的博士学位和康奈尔大学的理学学士学位。他曾获得谷歌教师研究奖、微软亚洲新教师奖学金,并被列入ISCA、MICRO和HPCA名人堂;曾参与英特尔和摩托罗拉的微处理器的设计。他的研究方向包括计算机体系结构、互联网络、安全和移动系统。
报告摘要:As compute and memory continue to scale, the interconnect or the communication is becoming a critical bottleneck in determining overall system performance and scalability. In this talk, I will present the challenges of the "hidden" interconnect that exists in modern systems in terms of its impact on the design, performance, reliability/security, and cost of the system. In particular, I will present case studies from recent interconnect architectures.
报告题目:Printed Computing: Design Automation and Computing based on Additive Printed Electronics
讲座人:Mehdi B.Tahori,德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院计算机科学系计算机科学与工程研究所(ITEC)教授,可靠纳米计算(CDNC)主席。他分别于2003年和2002年获得斯坦福大学电气工程博士和硕士学位。曾担任日本东京大学超大规模集成电路设计与教育中心(VDEC)客座教授、美国富士通实验室的高级计算机辅助研究科学家,从事深亚微米混合信号超大规模集成(VLSI)设计的可靠性问题。
报告摘要:Printed electronics offer certain technological advantages over their silicon-based counterparts, such as mechanical flexibility, low process temperatures, maskless and additive manufacturing possibilities. Neverteless, due to low device count, large feature sizes and high variabilities, originated in low-cost additive manufacturing, existing design automation and computing paradigms of digital VLSI are not applicable to printed electronics. This talk covers the technology, process, modeling, fabrication, design automation, and computing paradigms for circuits and systems based on additive printed technologies.